Wednesday 17 November 2010

A special view

My photograph was taken in San Telmo, B.A while I was in a design meeting with some classmates.

When we hadn't an exhibition we usually go out for a walk or pizza.
One day we decided go to San Telmo to see the famous flea market and get some souvenir.
This photograph was taken while we were covering the different streets. In this photograph there are a music group, they were very young and played different kind of music for long time. They were very good so we and other persons spend a lot of time in this place. 
After a while we were hungry, so we decided go for something to eat. We start to walk across through the street and finally we get to San Telmo square. This place was full of people dancing tango, buying things, taken pictures, and eating pasta. We didn't know were eating so when one of us saw a breaded peddler. We bought breaded and start our return to the hostel.
I like this photograph because it remain me the good moments of the travel and the beautiful places we knew.


  1. Your picture is the best!!
    i remember that trip

  2. Carola!

    I think this picture recalls good moments for you, but the picture don´t have nothing of beautifull!. You must recognize this.

    Bye bye dear!

  3. hi!! your picture is really beautifull, i love these kind of places full of artist in the streets.


  4. I think 'ive' has their taste on your feet because the photo is really beautiful.

    This place is very beautiful, very artistic, is a kind of Lastarria neighborhood.

  5. i have a very similar San Telmo´s picture :)
